Group Members

Daniel Hebert
Yale School of Medicine, Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Massachusetts Medical School, Ph.D.
University of New Hampshire, B.A.

Kevin Guay
MCB Graduate PhD Student
Northeastern University, B.S.

Wen-chuan (May) Chou
MCB Graduate PhD Student
joint with Rauch lab
University of California, Santa Barbara, B.S.

Robert Williams
Postdoctoral Research Associate
joint with Gierasch lab
University of Georgia, Ph.D.
Complex Carbohydrate Research Center
Ohio Wesleyan University, B.A.

Haiping Ke
Research Fellow
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, M.S.
Capital University of Medical Sciences, B.S.

Liza Pobezinskaya
Undergraduate student BMB

Samay Trivedi
Undergraduate student BMB
joint with Rauch lab

Jinnie Nguyen
Undergraduate student BMB

Leah Hoeppner
Undergraduate student BMB