
May 2024: Lab hosting Amherst Regional Middle School !

May 2024: Quarters Party to celebrate Alyssa, Sam, and Todd graduating! And new graduate student Emma joining the lab!

April 2024: Alyssa and Todd presenting their senior thesis work at Mass URC

Rauch Lab watching the eclipse!

March 2024: Rauch Lab at Tau2024 in Washington D.C.

December 2023: Navya successfully defends her Master’s Thesis!!

Gabby was selected for an oral presentation at the IALS Core Facilities Showcase Event!!

2023 MCB Retreat at Mt Snow, VT!!

Halloween 2023!!!

Rauch Lab representing at the Walk to End Alz in Holyoke, MA! Team Tau-er Rangers !

LRPeng-1 joins the Tau-Rex squad 🙂

Alyssa spent the summer at the Bruins-In-Genomics (BIG) Program at UCLA where she earned the Research Excellence Award! Congrats Alyssa!!

July 2023 – Lab hosted the Girls Inc Eureka program where we showed them how to do CRISPR!

Lab threw a surprise baby shower for the soon-to-be newest member of the Rauch Lab!

2023 UMass IONS Neuroscience Conference!

End of semester lab party to celebrate Jonathan and Tiffany graduating!! New lab member Jess! And the beginning of summer!!

Congrats to May for becoming a CBI T32 Fellow and Gabby for becoming a BTP T32 Fellow!!!

April 2023 Рnew graduate students, Jos̩, Gabby and May join the lab!

Dec 2022 – Shannon graduates from UMass and accepts a Research Assistantship position at Boston Children’s Hospital!

MCB Retreat at Mt. Snow, VT – Posters by Andrew, Vanessa, Caiqin and Navya!

2022 Summer BBQ

Big congrats to Jonathan and Shannon who both received IALS summer fellowships to support their research over the 2022 summer!

May 2022 was a big month!

New graduate students Vanessa and Caiqin join the lab!

Andrew passes his ORP and becomes a CBI T32 Fellow!

Sachliv and Navya graduate with their B.S. from UMass!

Navya joins the Master’s program at UMass to continue her work on tau phosphorylation!

Elana accepts a job offer in the Venkatesh Lab at Brigham Research Institute

October 2021: Andrew presenting his poster at the MCB Departmental Retreat at Stratton Mountain Resort, VT