Category: Uncategorized

NSF Grant Awarded and in Progress 0

NSF Grant Awarded and in Progress

Distinguished Professor Elizabeth Vierling received a four year grant for a total of $800,000 from the National Science Foundation to investigate features of plant energy metabolism that determine survival under stress conditions in order...

Genetic Engineering Risk Atlas (GENERA) 0

Genetic Engineering Risk Atlas (GENERA)

Biology Fortified, Inc. (Biofortified), a non-profit organization devoted to provide factual information and fostering discussion about issues in biology, launched a new project the Genetic Engineering Risk Atlas (GENERA). GENERA is a searchable database...

Eureka and the Vierling Lab Investigate 0

Eureka and the Vierling Lab Investigate

Eureka! is a month-long summer day camp, in partnership with Girls, Inc. of Holyoke, to encourage 8th grade girls to pursue post-secondary education and career paths in mathematical, scientific and technical fields. Eureka! is...